Registration & Event Payments
There is a $20.00 per person one time, non-refundable registration fee. This will help to cover organizational expenses (website, various supplies, door prizes, decorations, etc.). If you can donate any extra money that would help tremendously to keep costs down for those who may be having as my dear Daddy used to call "cash flow" problems. As you can imagine, the expenses to produce an amazing gathering large gathering does accumulate rather quickly. Thank you in advance for any extra any donations!
Scheduled Weekend Events:
Friday, October 4th~ ICEBREAKER ~ Hilton Hillcountry Cafe
6:30pm, Private Cocktail Party, Cash Bar with light snacks
Saturday, October 5th~STUDIO '79 ~ Party '70's Style! Hilton Main Ballroom
7:30pm ~ Cash Bar, Fajita Buffet, Dancing, Door Prizes & more!
Sunday Brunch, October 6th~ Farewell Brunch~ Private Diningroom adjacent to main dinningroom
6:30am-10:30am~ Breakfast Buffet
Make sure to wake up in time to come down see everyone off
Advance tickets to the Friday & Saturday events can be purchased through this website. Payment by credit card does have fees attached starting at $3.00 & 6% after that which allow us to accept credit cards. You can also pay by check or by PAYPAL. Sending paymebt via PayPal goes to (it WILL show Bobby Jordan as the PAYPAL owner) Please text Katy @ 832-457-9071 to let her know to expect your payment through PayPal (remember to include your name in the text). (PLEASE do not charge a credit card to PayPay as that then charges the reunion the 6% on our end). This site only offers two choices so to use PayPal process your order as if you are paying by check.
Those who choose to "pay at the door" will pay $20 more than the website price, but again you MUST let Katy know you are palnning on attending SEVEN days in advance. Text me at 832-457-9071 to let me know & make sure you include your name & how many are attending. If you tell me you are attending the final number of people to prepare for will include you therefore we will be charged.

Registration Fee
$20.00 per person.
This is a oone time, non-refundable registration fee per person in order to cover organizational expenses. Should you want to add an extra donation of any amount it would be much appreciated and go towards extras to enhance the reunion. I have lowered the price of everything in hopes to help out those who have cash flow problems. My hope is that if you are able to donate more that will help to balance out the lower cost to everyone. Donations willl be kept private & only I will know if you were able to help out or not.
PLEASE register as soon as possible. I've not allowed for much time to get everyone registered & collect everyones money as I was working hard with the hotel to get our charges per event down as low as possible.
Contact: | Katy Hayes Jordan |
Contact phone: | 8324579071 | |
CREDIT CARD- The fees that enable us to accept credit cards start at $3.00 and then @ 6%.
PAYPAL- Send your money over to PUKIKJ@MSN.COM- Please select the option of "payment to Family/Friends so that our side is not charged for the transaction. On this website use the option of "payment by check" if you are using PAYPAL. Please text Katy at 832-457-9071 to let me know you are using PAYPAL~please make sure to put your name in the text!
Thank you!
CHECKS or MONEY ORDERS- Please make it out to Katy Jordan with memo of SAS Reunion. Mail to 317 Lake Harbor Ln, Huffman, TX 77336
Friday, October 4, 2019
$10.00 per person
A chance to begin seeing everyone in one place at the hotel. NAME TAGS WILL BE PROVIDED :) (bring your own reading glasses! LOL)
Location: | |
When: | Friday, October 4, 2019 at 6:30 PM | |
PLEASE register as soon as possible. I've not allowed for much time to get everyone registered & collect everyones money as I was working hard with the hotel to get our charges per event down as low as possible.
Saturday, October 5th, 7:30pm
Location-Hotel Ballroom
$85.00 per person
A full evening of partying together! Fajita buffet (veggie option included), cash bar, DJ spinning the BEST TUNES EVER! Door prizes, dancing & lots more! Come ready to "get down & boogie" and NJOY!
Dress Code~ "Come As You Were, OR As a Star or Icon of Those' "good 'ole days!" (Have fun with it!....Imagination & creativity encouraged & will be rewarded!)
Location: | Hilton Hill Country Hotel Ballroom |
When: | Saturday, October 5, 2019 at 7:30 PM | |
Saturdays party will be an awesome night together, with a fajita buffet, (vegitarian option included), a DJ spinning tunes from the "best era of music", a full cash bar, and lots of other exciting surprises! Doors open at 7pm, buffet starts at 7:30 to 9pm. DJ, bar and fun inside until 12:00am!
Must have everyone who is attending let us know by Monday, September 16th AT THE LATEST in order to let the hotel catering staff prepare enough food. Your prompt registration and payment appreciated!
Tickets cover cost of buffet and extra banquet staff to prepare our menu as well as setting-up, maintinance and clean up of the ballroom. these charges are added as "service fee" at 23% as well as taxes. All other extras are being covered through the awesome donations that alumni are so generously supplying!
If you are coming and paying at the door please let Katy know at least 5 days before in order to ensure there is plenty of great food for everyone! You can text her at 832-457-9071. Payment "at the door" will be $20 more per person but again we MUST know that you are attending at least FIVE days ahead of time! You can do so by texting Katy @832-457-9071, let me know you WILL be attending & how many are in your party! Please make sure to include your name and graduation year! If you tell me you are coming we WILL be counting on it and owing the hotel the money for your attendance!
Tickets at the door will be $20 more and you must let us know of your attendance ahead of time.
The hotel has a great breakfast buffet in the main dinning room. They open at
6:30am until 10:30am. We will have a private room adjacent to the restaurant to use.
Payment will be made by eash guest to the hotel restaurant that morning.
Location: | Hotel Restaurant~Private room adjacent to the dinning room |
When: | Sunday, October 6, 2019 | |
Price | Payment goes to the hotel restaurant |
This is an opportunity to meet together one more time to say "Farewell" & "Happy Trails" to everyone before we all go on our way. ("Goodbyes" are not allowed <3)
Registration Fee
Price: $20.00

If you would like to include a donation over the $15 registration fee your generosity will be greatly appreciated and the extra funds will be put to good use helping to make the reunion even more special! AS you can imagine it does take quite a bit to put something like this together! Remember your credit card charges will have a handleing fee starting at $3.00 ....6% after that. (only way we could enjoy the convinience for everyone of accepting credit cards).
To enter the amount you would like to donate please put that amount in the QUANTITY box to be timed by $1.00
Thanks you in advance for your kind and generous donation!!!
Price: $1.00
Friday~Icebreaker Cocktail Party
Private cocktail party~Cash Bar
Use the drop down box if paying for more than one person.
Price: $10.00
Cash Bar, Fajita Buffet, Door prizes, DJ
& More!
If paying for more than one person use the drop down box.
Price: $85.00